Wednesday 30 January 2013

yes, all by myself! I still have to work on it, but it's a start. What do you think of how my blog looks?

well, now, if you guys don't mind, I go to bed, before either of my parents come up with another clever plan to make me go to bed, or worse, quit this blog.

xxx Luna
So, hi, I'm Luna, and this is my brand-new blog! :)

I don't have a laptop for myself and I'm only allowed to go on the computer on wednesday, fridays and in the weekend, so I don't have a lot of time to post, but I'll try to post at least every weekend.

I got this idea to start a blog from my best friend, Aurélie, who also has got a blog herself: thoughts of a 15-year-old. (read it, it's awesome!)
I think I'll ask her too how to edit a blog, 'cause you know... it doesn't look great, does it. It's a standard theme :S

My posts will be I think mostly fangirling: over Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, a bit of Percy Jackson, Once Upon A Time, One Direction... normal fandoms of a teenage girl.

well...  let's start, shall we?

See you next weekend!

xoxox Luna