Wednesday 30 January 2013

So, hi, I'm Luna, and this is my brand-new blog! :)

I don't have a laptop for myself and I'm only allowed to go on the computer on wednesday, fridays and in the weekend, so I don't have a lot of time to post, but I'll try to post at least every weekend.

I got this idea to start a blog from my best friend, Aurélie, who also has got a blog herself: thoughts of a 15-year-old. (read it, it's awesome!)
I think I'll ask her too how to edit a blog, 'cause you know... it doesn't look great, does it. It's a standard theme :S

My posts will be I think mostly fangirling: over Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, a bit of Percy Jackson, Once Upon A Time, One Direction... normal fandoms of a teenage girl.

well...  let's start, shall we?

See you next weekend!

xoxox Luna

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