Friday 15 March 2013

Ugh, I'm too interesting

Hello guyss :)

first of all, sorry I couldn't post last week, I was on a weekend with school, good and bad things happened.

A good thing is that most of the people in my class stopped talking about my "romance" with one of the boys of our class. Well, for the weekend.

A bad thing is that instead, they were saying I was a couple with another boy of our school to who, I must admit, talked rather a lot when were in Bouillon. 

We had a sort of "party" the last night (wich was also the second) and the music was really loud, so I sort of left my friends and went outside, to a couple of boys of my class who were talking, and one that wasn't in our class.
We all went to the -I don't know how to call it, IDK- balcony sat there in a row with our feet on the balustrade, watching the city (it was really beautuful :) ) and I sat next to the boy that wasn't in our class. We had had dinner at the same table that night, so I knew he was called Ian, and in wich class he was. We talked for quite a while and as it became later it also became colder, so I asked if he wanted to come with me to get a sweater from my room (it looked horrible with my dress LOL :P) and the other boys were all like "OI, Ian, don't make a mess eh!" and we were like: "oh my god! mongols!" and it was really annoying.

Then the next day, we went to the fortress in Bouillon, and Ian and I sort of did that with our two.  As in: "wanna go and have a look at the birds?" -"sure" *we watch the birds* "Wanna go and have a look at that corridor?"-"sure" and more things like that. NOTHING INTERESTING HAPPENED but yeah, of course, a boy and girl walking toghether? gossippp! 
There was a bird show, and we walked to the tribune, and the girls of his class were all saying: "Ooohhh, Ian's in loveee!!" "Ian and Luna, Ian and Luna!!!" and it was realllyyyy annoying. And -that was so funny- one of the boys in my class asked, I swear, with a face like this: 
"You guys are together?!" and we laughed because his face was hilarious. Then he was like: "what did I say wrong this time?" and we laughed even harder. And then we had dinner together (Pizzaaa <3) and that was than that. 

Now everybody in my class is like: "Luna, you Have to choose between Kyle and Ian! It's not good to play with boy's feelings!" and I'm like: "THERE ARE NO FEELINGS TO PLAY WITH!!!! Well... at least not that I know." and I'm SO FREAKING ANNOYED!
Why are they so interested in my love life!? Really, what a bunch of no-lifers are they! I thought my life was boring... 

*that cat is distracting me...*

How about you? Do you 've got annoying class mates or other people that are wayyy to interested in your ll? Tell me in the comments! :)

           See you next week! 

Friday 1 March 2013

I'm writing a story!!! / need some help

Hi Guys! Luna here :)

I got an A+ on my English writing!!! yippie! :) beat the two kids in my class who speak english at home LIKE A BOSS!! see, that's why I love this blog :P

As you probably guessed by the title, I'm writing a story. 
All by myself, no fanfiction, but... maybe with a little help from you guys :)

That's the problem with my writing things... I'm good at caracters, a situation... but then comes that little thingy called plot. yeah... not easy, not at all...

So: The story is about a girl, called Victoria James, nicknamed Tori. Her grandma gives her a wonderful brass necklace with a pink quartz in it minutes before she dies, the key-shaped necklace she'd never take off when she lived, and asks her to keep it safe, and secret ("Keep it secret, keep it safe." :P )
After a while, Tori notices that her senses have become more sensitive and that she can move faster, and more quiet. She is also having weird dreams, with always the same two people in it, a man and a woman, standing still as statues... 

now I have to think of a storyline... what can happen?
I was thinking about the cliché thingy of a secret land, (I had thought of a name too) and it's locked away and stuff and you need seven keys to open it... no? I thought it'd be cool. 

and something when she's on holiday in Mexico, she notices she can hear the thoughts of a boy, and that he can hear her's too... 

something like that.... I really have no IDEA! HELP ME!!!!

I basically need a bad guy, and something he can do. 

You can use your annoying little brother or cheating ex-boyfriend as an example :)

I will be forever grateful to you :)

                                                                     Love, Luna 